Costa Rica
Pictures from 2 trips to Costa Rica in 2022 and 2023. Not all of the pictures are necessarily website worthy but I included them as it was just cool to see so many different birds and animals.
Olive Sparrow
Palm Tanager
Palm Tanager
Pale Billed Woodpecker
Orange Chinned Parakeet
Orange Fronted Parakeet
Northern Emerald Toucanet
Northern Emerald Toucanet
Northern Emerald Toucanet
Northern Emerald Toucanet
Northern Emerald Toucanet
Northern Emerald Toucanet
Northern Emerald Toucanet
Montezuma Oropendolas Building Nests
Montezuma Oropendola
Montezuma Oropendolas
Masked Crimson Tanager
Masked Crimson Tanager
Masked Crimson Tanager
Melodious Blackbird
Masked Tityra
Male Yellow Faced Grassquit
Male Yellow Faced Grassquit
Female Yellow Faced Grassquit
Male Summer Tanager
Male Summer Tanager
Male Scarlet Rumped Tanaher
Male Scarlet Rumped Tanager
Female Scarlet Rumped Tanager
Female Scarlet Rumped Tanager
Male Ringed Kingfisher
Male Painted Bunting
Male Barred Antshrike
Male Black Headed Trogon
Female Thick Billed Seed Finch
Male Thick Billed seed Finch
Male Buff Throated Saltadore
Male Buff Throated Saltadore
Magpie Jay
Magpie Jays on Valentines Day
Female Yellow Crowned Euphonia
Male & Female Yellow Crowned Euphonias
Little Blue Heron
Little Blue Heron
Magnificent Frigatebird
Lesson's Motmot
Lesson's Motmot
Lesson's Motmot
Least Grebe
Least Grebe
Pale Billed Woodpecker
Leanne & Rick in the Costa Rican Jungle
Leanne Trying Her hand with the Camera
Leanne and Our Guide, JC Aguirre
Inca Dove
Howler Monkey Momma and Baby
Howler Monkey Momma and Baby
Howler Monkey
Howler Monkey
Howler Monkey
Iguana By The Pool
Iguana Sunning in a Tree
Green Igauna
Black Iguana
Green Heron
Great Kiskadee
Groove Billed Ani
Golden Naped Woodpeckers
Great Egret (left( and Snowy Egret
Great Egret
Great Blue Heron
Golden Hooded Tanager
Gray Hawk
Central American Yellow Headed Gecko
Gecko Caught a Bug Outside our Window
Ferruginous Pygmy Owls (Male on left)
Female Ferruginous Pygmy Owl
Female Gartered Trogon
Male Gartered Trogon
Male Gartered Trogon
"Caramel", a Ferruginous Pygmy Owl
"Caramel", a Ferruginous Pygmy Owl
Male Red Headed Barbet
Female Red Headed Barbet
Female Red Headed Barbet
Female Red Headed Barbet
Female Hoffman's Woodpecker
Female Hoffman's Woodpecker
Male Hoffman's Woodpecker
Male Hoffman's Woodpecker
Dusty Capped Flycatcher
Dusty Capped Flycatcher
Male Baltimore Oriole
Female Bltimore Oriole in Flowering Bushes
Male Blue Grosbeak
Male Green Kingfisher
Female Green Kingfisher
Crested Guan
Crested Guan
Crested Caracaras Sharing a Meal
Crested Caracara (A large Falcon)
Crested Caracara
Crested Caracara
Crab at Montezuma Beach
Crab on the Rocks at Montezuma Beach
Coppery Headed Emerald
Coppery Headed Emerald
Coati - A Treehugger
Clay Coloured Thrush - CR's National Bird
Clay Coloured Thrush - CR's National Bird
Brown Jay
Cattle Egret
Boat Billed Heron Couple at Their Nest
Male Boat Billed Heron
Male Boat Billed Heron
Brown Pelicans Over The Gulf of Nicoya
Brown Pelican
Blue-Gray Tanager
Black Vulture
Black Vulture
Boat Billed Flycatcher
Basilisk Lizard (also called a Jesus Lizard)
Basilisk Lizard (also called a Jesus Lizard)
Bare Throated Tiger Heron
Bare Throated Tiger Heron
Bare Throated Tiger Heron
Male Black Headed Trogon
Anhinga (very similar to our Cormorants)
Anhinga (very similar t our Cormorants)
Purple Throated Mountain Gem
Purple Throated Mountain Gem
Purple Throated Mountain Gem
Red Crowned Parrot
Resplendent Quetzel
Rudy Turnstone
Rufous Collared Sparrow
Rufus Naped Wren
Rufous Naped Wren
Rufous Tailed Hummingbird
Rufous Tailed Hummingbird
Scarlet Macaw
Scarlet Macaw
Scissor Tailed Flycatcher
Scrub Euphonia
Silver Throated Tanager
Slate Throated Redstart
Slate Throated Redstart
Snowy Egret
Snowy Egret
Social Flycatcher
Squirrel Cuckoo
Squirrel Cuckoo
Streaked Flycatcher
Stripe Headed Sparrow
Tropical Kingbird
Sulpher Bellied Flycatcher
Tri-Coloured Heron
Tri-Coloured Heron
Turquoise Browed Motmot
Turquoise Browed Motmot
Turquoise Browed Motmot
Turquoise Browed Motmot
Two Toed Sloth
Two Toed Sloth
Two Toed Sloth
Two Toed Sloths
Two Toed Sloth
Variegated Squirrel
Variegated Squirrel (Check that tail out!)
Violet Sabrewing
White Crowned Parrot
White Crowned Parrots
White Faced Capuchin Monkey
White Faced Capuchin Monkey
White Faced Capuchin Monkey
White Faced Capuchin Monkey
White Faced Capuchin Monkey in Fruit Tree
White Faced Capuchin Peeking Over The Bar
White Faced Capuchin Monkey
White Fronted Parrot
White Fronted Parrot
White Fronted Parrot
White Winged Dove
Yellow Crowned Night Heron
Yellow Crowned Night Heron Flashing its Mate
Immature Yellow Crowned Night Heron
Yellow Throated Toucan
Yellow Throated Toucan
Boa Constrictor (Look closely)
Three Toed Sloth (in the wild)
Baby Three Toed Sloth (in the wild)
Fiery Billed Aricari
Fiery Billed Aricari
Fiery Billed Aricari
Gray-Cowled Wood Rail
Juvenile White Ibis
Red-Lored Parrot
Squirrel Monkey
White Ibis